Family Support During Teen’s Substance Abuse

Reading Time: 2 Minutes The Importance of Family Support During Your Teenager’s Substance Abuse Recovery Cocaine, alcohol, marijuana, opioids, inhalants, and hallucinogens all have one thing in common; they have an addictive potential in teenagers and adolescents. Research has shown that the frontal lobe in the brain, which is primarily responsible for impulse control, problem-solving, memory, and language, does […]

Opioid Addiction Among Pregnant Women

Reading Time: 2 Minutes Opioids are natural pain relieving medications cultivated from the poppy plant since 3400B.C. Today most of these prescription painkillers are man made and synthesized by pharmaceutical companies or through illegal makeshift laboratories and are sold on the street and are distributed all over the world creating an addictive opioid epidemic. Naturally occurring opioids such as […]

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